Jessica Spence
Postoperative delirium is experienced by as many as half of hospitalized patients 60 years or older.
Serious consequences include: association with adverse outcomes for patients (institutionalization, long-term cognitive decline, death); and increased lengths of stay and substantial financial costs to health systems.
PHRI Investigator Jessica Spence presented “Delirium for Cardiologists: Truths, Myths, and Questions” at the McMaster University’s Cardiology Grand Rounds yesterday.
Spence is a cardiac anesthesiologist and intensivist who completed a research fellowship at PHRI and a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology under the supervision of PHRI Senior Scientist PJ Devereaux.
An Assistant Professor at McMaster University, Spence’s research program focuses on the perioperative outcomes of cardiac surgery.
She is the Principal Investigator of the B-FREE trial evaluating whether a policy limiting the use of intra-operative benzodiazepine in cardiac anesthesia will reduce post-operative delirium in ICU patients.
Highlights from Spence’s talk are highlighted here on Twitter:
Late posting these slides on #delirium from Dr. Jessica Spence’s wonderful #CardiologyGrandRounds at #McMaster. @docSandraO #perioperativemedicine
1/2 pic.twitter.com/LlN79VeDdl— Harriette Van Spall, MD MPH (@hvanspall) February 15, 2023

PHRI Investigator Jessica Spence presented on delirium at the 2023 PHRI Research Retreat in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.