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Executive Committee

PHRI’s Executive Committee is accountable to the Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University (Paul O’Byrne) and the CEO of Hamilton Health Sciences (Tracey MacArthur), as well as to the Hamilton Health Sciences Research Institute (HHSRI) board.

Hertzel Gerstein

Interim Executive Director; Senior Scientist

Hertzel Gerstein
Interim Executive Director; Senior Scientist

Hertzel Gerstein is Interim Executive Director, PHRI, and our Senior Scientific Program Lead, Diabetes, as well as a Professor, Medicine, McMaster University. He is also Director of the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism and Director of the Diabetes Care and Research Program. He has pioneered the application of large simple outcome trials to people with diabetes globally, and developed the concept of dysglycemia as an important risk factor for many of the serious health outcomes that afflict people with an elevated glucose level regardless of diabetes status. He currently leads clinical trials and epidemiological studies related to: a) the prevention and therapy of diabetes and its many consequences, and b) the role of dysglycemia and relative insulin insufficiency on the development of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment and other chronic conditions. Key studies in which he has played or continues to play a major leadership role include HOPE, MICRO HOPE, ACCORD, DREAM, EpiDREAM, ORIGIN, TIDE, ACE, ELIXA and REWIND.

Hertzel Gerstein has published more than 300 papers, editorials and commentaries, mainly on diabetes-related issues and co-edited the textbook Evidence-Based Diabetes Care. He is an Associate Editor for ACP Journal Club, and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Diabetes and Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. He has received several honors including the Canadian Diabetes Association’s Young Scientist Award (1999), Frederick G. Banting award (1999), Charles H. Best award (2007) and Lifetime Achievement Award (2012).

PJ Devereaux

Deputy Director, Senior Scientist

PJ Devereaux
Deputy Director, Senior Scientist

PJ Devereaux is Deputy Director, Senior Scientific Lead, Perioperative and Surgery, PHRI, Professor and University Scholar in the Departments of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (HEI) and Medicine at McMaster University, and Director of the Division of Cardiology at McMaster.

The focus of his clinic research is vascular complications around the time of surgery, leading several large, international RCTs and observational studies addressing this issue. He has published more than 250 peer-reviewed papers and more than 50 book chapters and editorials. He is supported by a Tier 1 Canadian Research Chair in Perioperative Medicine, and holds the Yusuf Chair in Cardiology at McMaster University.

Emilie Belley-Côté

Associate Deputy Director, Scientist

Emilie Belley-Côté
Associate Deputy Director, Scientist

Emilie Belley-Côté is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at McMaster University; she practices critical care cardiology in the cardiovascular intensive care unit and coronary care unit at the Hamilton General Hospital. Her research interests include perioperative cardiac surgery care, knowledge synthesis and guideline development. At this stage in her career, she has more than 120 publications, including articles in NEJM, Lancet, JAMA, as well as first-tier critical care journals.

She obtained her MD from Université de Sherbrooke in 2006. After internal medicine and cardiology training, as well as an MSc in Clinical Sciences, she completed a critical care fellowship at McMaster. In 2019, she completed a PhD in Health Research Methodology at McMaster University.

John Eikelboom

Senior Scientist

John Eikelboom
Senior Scientist

John Eikelboom is Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, McMaster University, and a haematologist in the Thrombosis Service, Hamilton General Hospital. He originally trained in Internal Medicine and Haematology in Perth, Australia and subsequently moved to Hamilton to take up a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine.

He has co-authored more than 350 articles in peer-reviewed journals. His current research, supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, focuses on the efficacy and safety of antithrombotic therapies, outcomes after blood transfusion and bleeding, and the mechanisms of variable response to antiplatelet drugs.


Stewardship of the PHRI Research Endowment is provided by board members of the Hamilton Health Sciences Research Institute (HHSRI), a registered charitable organization that helps fund the advancement of health science research, education and the improvement of patient care, all in support of the strategic priorities of HHS Corporation. The CEO of HHSRI is Marc Jeschke, VP, Research.

HHSRI board members:

  • Chair: Marvin Ryder, Associate Professor, Marketing, McMaster University
  • Paul O’Byrne, Dean and VP, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University
  • Akbar Panju, Professor of Medicine, McMaster University
  • Tracey MacArthur, President and CEO, Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Robert Jones, Former Chair of Board, Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Julia Kamula, Former Chair of Board, Hamilton Health Sciences
  • Brenda Flaherty, Former EVP and COO, Hamilton Health Sciences

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