Canada and the world has come through a really difficult period with COVID and we are fortunate to live in a country that is generally sensible, kind and caring. After a delayed start (largely because of the difficulties in accessing vaccines), Canada has organized itself very well.
The vaccination program has accelerated and we are now one of the top countries in the world with regards to the proportion of the population with jabs in arms.
Further, Canadians have generally respected the government policies on isolation and restrictions, and the number of new cases of COVID has plummeted.
Canada’s death rates from COVID has been lower than that of most other countries, and we have our health care system and health care professionals and other workers to thank.
This achievement is due to the public mindedness of our governments, and the willingness of Canadians to do what is in the common interest.
We expect that restrictions will be eased very soon, and we can get back to reconvening in offices and the social activities that are part of an enjoyable, complete life.. We also hope sectors of our economy which have suffered severely due to the lockdowns will bounce back and come to flourish.
My wishes for an enjoyable and healthy summer; I look forward to seeing you all in person soon!
Best wishes,
Dr. Salim Yusuf
Executive Director, PHRI