Salim Yusuf
Recognizing individuals and organizations that go above and beyond in the quest to fight cardiovascular disease and promote heart health globally, the 2021 World Heart Awards, presented by the World Heart Federation (WHF) include:
- WHF Lifetime Achievement Award – PHRI Executive Director and Senior Scientist, Professor Salim Yusuf
- WHF Award for Outstanding Contribution to Cardiovascular Health – Lisheng Liu, a cardiovascular research pioneer in China.
The last time these two long-time research collaborators and friends met in person was November 2019 at the PHRI 20th Anniversary Research Symposium. Professor Liu flew, at age 91, from Beijing, China to Hamilton, Canada to congratulate Salim Yusuf and the rest of PHRI on the milestone. She was honoured at a gala dinner during the symposium.

Salim Yusuf honours Lisheng Liu (centre) at 2019 PHRI Symposium, galad dinner. Attendees shown here include Hamilton Health Sciences president Rob McIsaac; Sir Richard Peto, Oxford University; PHRI Senior Scientist Koon Teo; and PHRI Chief Operating Officer Janette Panhuis.
Other World Heart Awards – individuals
Nanette Kass Wenger – WHF Lifetime Achievement Award. Now age 91, she was among the first physician-scientists to focus on coronary heart disease in women, and to evaluate the different risk factors and features of the condition in women and men.
Sulafa Ali for Hearts in the Americas Programme – WHF Advocacy Award in Cardiovascular Health.
Kuni Matsushita for The Relationship of COVID-19 Severity with Cardiovascular Disease and Its Traditional Risk Factors – Best Global Heart Journal Paper.
Campaign Awards
Effective Voice of the Year
HeartLife Foundation – Canadian Heart Failure Patient & Caregiver Charter
Best Prevention Campaign
British Heart Foundation – The ad we never expected to make
Most Creative Campaign
Indonesian Heart Foundation – Show Your He(art) Campaign
Best Digital Campaign
Global Heart Hub – Global Heart Hub’s COVID-19 Response Campaign
Most Inspiring World Heart Day Campaign
Singapore Heart Foundation – Hugopoly