In honor of Janice Pogue, the visionary founder of PHRI’s statistical group, PHRI researchers convened for the 6th Annual Janice Pogue Lectureship in Biostatistics. This year, we had the privilege of hosting Dr. David DeMets, the Max Halperin Emeritus Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Dr. DeMets delivered a lecture on “Evolution of the Data Monitoring Committee and Examples of Challenges.”

L to R: David DeMets and Shrikant Bangdiwala
The event, which took place on October 17th at the David Braley Research Institute, provided a platform for attendees to engage in insightful discussions surrounding the topic. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, PHRI Senior Scientist and Director of Statistics Shrikant Bangdiwala presented Dr. DeMets with the “Distinguished Featured Speaker Award for the 6th Annual Janice Pogue Lecture” on behalf of PHRI.
Dr. DeMets is currently the Max Halperin Professor of Biostatistics, Emeritus, and former Chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He received his PhD in biostatistics in 1970 from the University of Minnesota. Following a postdoctoral appointment in the Division of Computer Research and Technology at the National Institutes of Health (1970-72), he spent ten years (1972-1982) at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health where he was a member of and later became chief of the Biostatistics Branch. 1982, he joined the University of Wisconsin and later founded the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics which he chaired until 2009. In 2017, He became emeritus professor.
The annual Janice Pogue Lectureship in Biostatistics was launched in 2017 to honor the memory of Janice Pogue, an exceptional statistician who created the statistical group at PHRI where she worked for 22 years, and as a faculty member at McMaster University’s then named Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Her untimely death in 2016 was a major loss for PHRI, McMaster University, and the international biostatistics/clinical trials research community.
Watch the recording of this year’s Janice Pogue Lectureship.