Study Type
The objective of the Family Atherosclerosis Monitoring in Early Life (FAMILY) study was to measure the environmental, metabolic and genetic factors that contribute to the development of excess adiposity and obesity-related diseases that can have beginnings from the time of pregnancy to early childhood.
The results of the study will lead to a better understanding of the role of our genes and their interaction with the fetal/maternal environment in the development of adiposity, pre-diabetes and risk factors for heart disease in early childhood, school age, adolescence and young adulthood.
With this knowledge, we can then develop recommendations to help women to have healthier pregnancies, and for better nutrition and lifestyle practices for growing children and young adults.
We collected information on nutrition, meal patterns, physical activity, growth, health, risk behaviours, socio-economic status, feeling of well-being and blood profiles, including analysis of genetic markers up to 10 years of age. All of this information is being analyzed so that we can determine how each of these factors influence development of body fat during childhood and risk of obesity-associated markers of disease at 3, 5 and 10 years of age.
We will also assess the heart health at the 10-year visit by performing a carotid ultrasound testing on the mother and the child.
Prospective birth cohort
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