Entries in the PHRI Great Pumpkin Challenge 2022 were so creative that we ended up with a tie for first place – both winning teams will get a free pizza lunch!
As remarkable as the voting turnout (111 persons) was for our Summer Art Challenge , PHRI employees surpassed that with 170 votes for their favourite pumpkin!
The tied winners are two groups that each submitted a group of pumpkins with a theme.
- “Gru and the Minions” by Jennifer Wells, Jennifer Swanson, Subana Shahbaz, Jenna McHugh, Cassie McDonald, Rachel Hensen, Jessica Vincent, Kate Brady, Jennifer Wellwood, Trisha Mendiola, Michelle Popovic, Simona Zucchetto, Irene Babirad – Perioperative Research team.
- “Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos” – by the CRLB-GMEL laboratory and biobank team.

Top shelf: “Gru and the Minions” by Jennifer Wells, Jennifer Swanson, Subana Shahbaz, Jenna McHugh, Cassie McDonald, Rachel Hensen, Jessica Vincent, Kate Brady, Jennifer Wellwood, Trisha Mendiola, Michelle Popovic, Simona Zucchetto, Irene Babirad – of the Perioperative Research team. Lower shelf: “Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos” by the CRLB-GMEL laboratory and biobank team.
Close behind were three entries, in the order shown here (left to right). Full name of the one submission was a delight in particular: “Transfusions at an all-time high: the devastating craze for pumpkin spice lattes.”

Transfusion: E Di Sante, O Panhus, G Marfo

Wizard of Oz – COMPLETE-2 study team

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