Ashkan Shomanesh, Scientist at PHRI, has been awarded the 2020 American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Michael S. Pessin Stroke Leadership Award.

Ashkan Shoamanesh
The AAN cites his qualifications as including “a high level of productivity and academic achievements… [with] 34 first or senior author publications…[and] a strong level of funding support.”
The academy also noted that early on in his career, Shoamanesh became a leader in the field of intracerebral hemorrhage [ICH] research and studies devoted to brain microbleeds.”
Shoamanesh cited his “collaborators and valued mentors without whom my work would not be possible.”
He added that “meaningful clinical research is a concentrated team effort, particularly in a challenging field such as ICH.”
Watch Shoamanesh’s presentation given at the 2020 (online AAN Awards).